Marching for Mothers
Marching for Mothers
Crouse Health invites you to join us for Marching for Mothers on Saturday 5/19/19, an awareness event supporting those living with Perinatal Anxiety & Depression. This is a family community event open to all who have experiences with Perinatal Anxiety & Depression, whether in the past or present, and for those who support their cause.
Registration will begin at 10 am, with kickoff at 11:00 am. Families are encouraged to partake in the many activities that will be provided this year including Safe ID’s, Cruise through the emergency vehicles, enjoy the bounce houses along with some face painting activities. Also browse and shop the many vendors around the park.
In the event of rain, we will all march in the Puddle Jump, bring your boots. We plan on Marching with Moms rain or shine. Click here to register
If you, or someone you know, experienced PMADs including PPD, have recovered and want to help, please join us. We welcome you to register for the event, and March with the Moms.
If you are living with perinatal anxiety or depression, are not a member of our program, and want to learn more please visit here: Family Support Group Health Care providers and professionals are encouraged to register as individuals and join the March too. Before registering please make sure you have read the release form located on this page. If you would like to learn more about other ways you or your office can support our program, and how our program can help your patients, please contact us at 315/470-7940.
We also welcome any and all support our community can provide. All proceeds from this event will help current families struggling with Perinatal Anxiety & Depression. If you cannot attend the event and want to donate please sign up below.